Care Home Stories
Here you can read the stories submitted by families, friends and professionals who have shared their experiences of the social care system and in particular, care homes.
We welcome stories of great care so we can collate and share best practice.
We also know that many families experience inadequate and even traumatising care. We hope that by collecting this information we can evidence where improvements need to urgently take place.
You can use the forms below to submit your own experience of Care Homes.
Please don't name individuals or care homes.
Providing your email is optional but will allow us to contact you should we need to.
We will never share your email and it wont appear on your story.
By sharing your story you are agreeing for it to be published on our website.
You can withdraw this consent at any time.
We know how traumatic it can be to relive these experiences, so if you need support please come over to our Facebook People's Care Watchdog Support Group by clicking on the icon