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My mum suffered decades of domestic abuse and violence and coercive controlling behaviour from her husband. She got dementia in 2010 and his abuse and neglect of her escalated causing repeated significant harms. Mum was hospitalised many times by his abuse and neglect of her. Witness evidence was ignored by Police, NHS staff , multiple social workers failed to protect her. The court of protection welfare proceedings and official solicitors robbed mum and me of 1000s of pounds and still ignored the high risk domestic abuse she endured. Brave Care agency staff reported concerns to local authority but were ignored
Mum was failed by every so called professional service and multiple regulatory bodies have colluded with this negligence by failing to investigate dangerous standards of care and poor adult safeguarding. Mum eventually died from sudden onset vomiting and aspiration pneumonia caused in NHS hospital by an untrained unauthorised private home carer who should not have been working on NHS acute medical wards signing NHS charts and ignoring mum's dysphagia feeding careplan. After a long struggle with the coroner using a negligent pathologist to cover up mum's suspicious death, I got a second PM examination and toxicology tests found illegal controlled drugs midazolam and fentanyl in mum's body. A whitewash inquest failed to ascertain how these drugs were given to mum or by whom in the supposed safety of the NHS hospital. Someone gave my mum 2 powerful drugs without any reason or legal prescription being recorded. Police and Coroner have done nothing to investigate this crime properly

We have to assume there are other elderly victims out there....

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